What is Codatum AI?
As data `dbt` people, this has become [such a part](https://lp.cdm.test/blog_details#) of our lives that we've grown used to it. Who among us hasn't spent hours shuffling CSVs around, or copy-pasting code between tabs? One jumps between separate tools for doing quick queries, operational reporting, data apps, forecasting, model development, workflow automation, and self-serve analysis, or whether you're using SQL, Python, or no-code. Work winds up scattered around, and discovering or re-running an analysis requires deep forensics. Where's that big analysis from last year? No one knows (and it's probably spread across a query, spreadsheet, notebook, and screenshot).
At Hex, we have a unique purview and `privilege`, getting to work with thousands of data leaders, practitioners, and teams. We hear a lot about what's working – and what's not – in their data stacks. And among the litany of complaints, one stands alone as not only universal, but getting worse: the fragmentation of data workflows.
Today we’re unveiling the latest chapter of xxxxx, giving you the fastest way to get insights from your data. xxxxxxx AI uses the combined context of your data sources, lineage, documentation, and semantic layer to let anyone, regardless of technical ability, ask questions and get answers from your data.
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Prompt Deepnote AI again
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lag(mrr, 12) over (order by month) as mrr_12_months_ago,
100 * (mrr / nullif(mrr_12_months_ago, 0) - 1) as yoy_mrr_growth,
lag(customers, 12) over (order by month) as customers_12_months_ago,
100 * (customers / nullif(customers_12_months_ago, 0) - 1) as yoy_customer_growth
Today we’re unveiling the latest chapter of xxxxx, giving you the fastest way to get insights from your data. xxxxxxx AI uses the combined context of your data sources, lineage, documentation, and semantic layer to let anyone, regardless of technical ability, ask questions and get answers from your data.
Adjust your current prompt
Prompt Deepnote AI again
Follow up on your previous prompts
Adjust your current prompt
Prompt Deepnote AI again
Follow up on your previous prompts
Today we’re unveiling the latest chapter of xxxxx, giving you the fastest way to get insights from your data. xxxxxxx AI uses the combined context of your data sources, lineage, documentation, and semantic layer to let anyone, regardless of technical ability, ask questions and get answers from your data.
#### heading
Today we’re unveiling the latest chapter of xxxxx, giving you the fastest way to get insights from your data. xxxxxxx AI uses the combined context of your data sources, lineage, documentation, and semantic layer to let anyone, regardless of technical ability, ask questions and get answers from your data.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sbW-9SnMTmg?si=iYVI2nvjmwivHpcV" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen="" data-v-inspector="pages/blog_details.vue:110:7" data-v-16ab5195=""></iframe>
Adjust your current prompt
Prompt Deepnote AI again
Follow up on your previous prompts
##### heading
Today we’re unveiling the latest chapter of xxxxx, giving you the fastest way to get insights from your data. xxxxxxx AI uses the combined context of your data sources, lineage, documentation, and semantic layer to let anyone, regardless of technical ability, ask questions and get answers from your data.
###### heading
Today we’re unveiling the latest chapter of xxxxx, giving you the fastest way to get insights from your data. xxxxxxx AI uses the combined context of your data sources, lineage, documentation, and semantic layer to let anyone, regardless of technical ability, ask questions and get answers from your data.